Steve Cummins
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Chairman and founder of Transworld as well as the Group's legal counsel, Steve has an international commercial and legal background, being admitted as a lawyer in the UK and Australia. He was a director of Kentucky Fried Chicken in Great Britain and Ireland, counsel to R J Reynolds-Nabisco and Pepsi Cola and strategic consultant to Thorn-EMI. He is also a past Member of Templeton College, Oxford Strategic Leadership Faculty and has lectured internationally on brand, IP development and business growth strategies.
Steve is at the forefront of the majority of Transworld projects to which he brings his many years of international legal, business and corporate know-how, skills and experience. He is principally engaged in providing the group with general legal advice, including matters related to corporate and business structuring, commercial contract negotiation, international licensing and start-ups, brand creation and development and strategies for market penetration and optimal value realisation .
Steve has been a leading figure in international licensing and roll out and played a major role in re-shaping the franchise sector in Australia. This included advising government, providing training and education and contributing to the current legislative, regulatory and good practice law and codes affecting the establishment and conduct of franchises within the country.
As Chairman of Transworld and its in-house legal counsel, Steve is responsible for guiding, directing as well as driving Transworld's global expansion and the take up of new projects.
To Learn more about Steve, visit stevecummins.im
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