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New Year’s Evolution

on Wednesday, 02 April 2014. Posted in News

New Year’s Evolution

After another successful year in 2013, Transworld Group continues to break new ground with existing and promising new ventures. Our exclusive interview (below) with CEO, Jamille Cummins, sheds light on what exciting prospects lie ahead for Transworld, in 2014 and beyond.

Q. Take us through some of the exciting developments Transworld is undertaking this year.

A. Along with its existing projects, Transworld is pursuing a number of new opportunities including the evaluation of an exciting new business venture involving a heath & lifestyle concept, and the acquisition of a successful Australian asset operating in the seafood industry sector.

Q. It’s been a successful 2013, in retrospect, is there anything Transworld is doing differently in terms of marketing, business and financial strategy?

A. Each year we review our marketing, business and financial strategies. This year we intend to place a greater emphasis on developing our online presence and enhancing various brands’ awareness across the board within their respective market sectors. Social media marketing will play an important role, as will new online marketing innovations and techniques as they become available.

Given the diverse nature of industry sectors that our portfolio represents and the numerous global applications that are supported, we have to remain open minded and adaptive towards different business models.

This year we are relying on a stronger balance sheet to recapitalise and raise further funding to support our planned growth. We are currently exploring a number of funding initiatives, including that which is involved with an acquisition of a new asset.

Q. Without going into too much detail, give us a status update on each key project?

A. We are pleased to advise that Sokerol is implementing a new sales strategy this year, with a number of Sales Agents and a Dealer coming online in Australia by the end of the 1st quarter. We will continue to pursue new licensed distributors in other countries, and with negotiations currently taking place we hope to announce the commencement of another prospect within the 2nd quarter.

Hush will complete the engineering and development of its larger family of turbines. We are also pleased to announce that an agreement in principle has been reached with a leading global financial institute who will be assisting us with our prototype testing, with the potential for a commercial take up amongst hundreds of their commercial sites.

Transworld Resources will continue to pursue the acquisition, development and commercialisation of food assets within Australia, whilst it subsidiaries FIM and TASSEA become leading companies and brands within their respective market sectors.

Q. What goals does Transworld have for each of these projects for this year?

A. Our primary objective with all the assets we own and manage is to evaluate and monetise them, either through commercialisation or asset sale. We have different strategies for each asset and these strategies are continuously being assessed as developments occur.